What Kind of Bird Lays Blue Eggs? A Comprehensive Guide to Avian Species - Avian Adventures: Birding Tips, Guides & More (2024)

Ever found yourself pondering over why some birds lay blue eggs while others simply don’t? Believe me, you’re in good company. On my own journey to unravel the mysteries of bird behaviors and rituals, I’ve bumped into this intriguing question more than once – it appears there’s a handful of avian species that are particularly known for their strikingly blue eggs.

Consider this blog your all-in-one guide to these amazing creatures. Ready to spread your wings and soar into the world of our feathered pals?.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Many bird species lay blue eggs, including the American Robin, Eastern Bluebird, Blue Jay, Gray Catbird, and Western Bluebird.
  • Some birds lay blue eggs with brown spots, while others lay tiny or small blue eggs.
  • Certain bird species lay blue – green eggs or bright blue eggs.
  • The color of a bird’s egg can provide insights into their nesting habits and reproductive behavior.

Common Birds that Lay Blue Eggs

Many bird species lay blue eggs, including the American Robin, Eastern Bluebird, Blue Jay, Gray Catbird, and Western Bluebird.

American Robin

The American Robin is known for its bright blue eggs. These birds love to make nests in man-made structures. They move to North America when it’s time to breed. Their pale blue eggs are a rare sight, making them special among bird lovers.

Their blue eggs aren’t found quite often in the wild but when they do, it’s always an exciting find!

Eastern Bluebird

One bird species known for laying blue eggs is the Eastern Bluebird. These beautiful birds are commonly found in North America. The color of their eggs can be a pale blue shade, but they can also be white or pink, although this is rare.

Eastern Bluebirds are gregarious animals and often nest in manmade structures such as birdhouses. They prefer open habitats like fields and meadows where they can find insects to eat.

If you’re a birder, keep an eye out for these lovely blue eggs during the breeding season!

Blue Jay

Blue jays are a type of bird that lays blue eggs. They have beautiful blue feathers and are known for their loud calls. Blue jays build their nests in trees and shrubs, using twigs, grass, and other materials.

The female blue jay lays the eggs, usually around 3 to 6 in a clutch. Their eggs are a pale blue color with brown spots on them. Blue jays are common birds found across North America and can often be seen in parks and gardens.

So if you come across a nest with blue eggs, it just might belong to a blue jay!

Gray Catbird

The Gray Catbird, a common North American bird, is known for laying blue eggs. These gregarious animals build their nests in dense shrubs and trees, including those found near manmade structures.

The female catbird usually lays 3-5 sky-blue eggs with brown spots. During the breeding season, which typically occurs from May to August, these birds become quite vocal and are known for their melodious songs.

So if you come across a nest of twigs and grasses with beautiful blue eggs inside, chances are it belongs to a Gray Catbird!

Western Bluebird

The Western Bluebird is a beautiful bird that can lay blue eggs. It is one of the 21 different avian species mentioned in this guide that lays blue eggs. While it primarily lays pale blue eggs, there are also instances where its eggs can be white or pink, although this is rare.

The Western Bluebird is mainly found in North America and it’s known for its stunning blue plumage and melodic song. So if you’re lucky enough to spot a Western Bluebird, keep an eye out for their lovely blue-colored eggs as well!

European Starling

The European starling is another bird species that lays blue eggs. These gregarious animals are known for their ability to mimic sounds and their tendency to build nests in manmade structures.

When it comes to egg color, the European starling’s eggs are usually a pale blue shade. However, it’s important to note that not all of their eggs are blue; some can be white or even have brown speckles.

So if you spot a nest with blue eggs, there’s a good chance they belong to the European starling.

House Finch

House finches are another species of bird that can lay blue eggs. They are small birds with a reddish coloration on their head, chest, and back. While they primarily nest in shrubs and trees, they have adapted well to urban environments and can often be found nesting in manmade structures like buildings or hanging flower baskets.

House finches are gregarious animals and often build nests close together, sometimes even sharing the same nest. This social behavior makes them a delight for birdwatchers to observe during the breeding season.

So if you spot a house finch nest, keep an eye out for those beautiful blue eggs!

Red-winged Blackbird

The Red-winged Blackbird is a species of bird that lays blue eggs. These birds are commonly found in North America and are known for their distinctive red shoulder patches. They build their nests in wetland areas, using cattails and other plants to create sturdy homes for their eggs.

The female Red-winged Blackbird lays a clutch of 3-4 eggs, which are pale blue in color. These beautiful blue eggs provide camouflage against the surrounding vegetation, helping to protect them from predators.

So, if you come across a nest with pale blue eggs in a wetland area, it could be the work of the Red-winged Blackbird!

Blue Grosbeak

The Blue Grosbeak is another avian species that lays blue eggs. These birds can be found in North America, particularly in the southern and central regions. The male Blue Grosbeaks have vibrant blue plumage on their backs and wings, while the females are more brownish in color.

They often build nests in shrubs or low trees, using twigs, grasses, and leaves. The female lays light blue eggs that are speckled with black or reddish-brown markings. These markings help camouflage the eggs and protect them from potential predators.

It’s fascinating to learn about the variety of bird species that lay blue eggs!

Northern Mockingbird

The Northern Mockingbird is a bird species that lays blue eggs. These birds are known for their beautiful songs and mimicry abilities. They can imitate the sounds of other birds, animals, and even human voices! When it comes to nesting, the female Northern Mockingbird builds a cup-shaped nest in shrubs or trees using twigs, grass, and leaves.

They typically lay 2-6 pale blue eggs with brown spots on them. The male mockingbird helps defend the nest from predators while the female incubates the eggs. Once hatched, both parents take turns feeding and caring for the chicks until they are ready to leave the nest.

It’s always a treat to spot these talented singers and see their lovely blue eggs!

Varied Thrush

The Varied Thrush is a beautiful bird that also lays blue eggs. It is known for its striking orange and black plumage, which makes it stand out in the forest. The female Varied Thrush builds her nest on the ground, usually near dense vegetation or fallen logs.

She will lay anywhere from 3 to 6 sky-blue eggs with brown spots. These eggs are about an inch long and have a smooth texture. The Varied Thrush is mainly found in western North America, particularly in coniferous forests, where it feeds on insects, berries, and seeds.

Birders often find joy in spotting this unique bird with its lovely blue eggs during the breeding season.

Mountain Bluebird

The Mountain Bluebird is another bird species known for laying blue eggs. These birds can be found in the western parts of North America, especially in mountainous regions like meadows and open woodlands.

They are migratory birds and usually lay their eggs between March and July. The eggs laid by Mountain Bluebirds are light blue or sky blue in color. It’s interesting to note that not all bluebird eggs are blue; they can also be white or pink, although this is quite rare.

So if you spot a nest with these beautiful colored eggs, it could very well belong to a Mountain Bluebird!

Birds with Specific Blue Egg Characteristics

Birds with different blue egg characteristics include those that lay eggs with brown spots, tiny eggs, small eggs, blue-green eggs, bright blue eggs, and pale blue eggs.

Birds that Lay Blue Eggs with Brown Spots

There are several bird species that lay blue eggs with brown spots. Here are some of them:

  • American Robin
  • Eastern Bluebird
  • Gray Catbird
  • Northern Mockingbird

Birds that Lay Tiny Blue Eggs

Tiny blue eggs are laid by several avian species. These birds are small but mighty when it comes to their egg-laying abilities. Here are some of the avian species that lay tiny blue eggs:

  1. Hummingbirds: These tiny birds, known for their vibrant colors and fast flight, also lay small blue eggs. The eggs are about the size of a pea and often blend in with their nests.
  2. Kinglets: These small songbirds, found in North America, Europe, and Asia, produce tiny blue eggs. Their nests are beautifully crafted with moss and lined with feathers.
  3. Bushtit*: These lively little birds build intricate hanging nests made of spider silk and plant fibers. They lay tiny blue eggs that can fit in the palm of your hand.
  4. Goldcrests: The goldcrest is one of Europe’s smallest birds and lays equally petite blue eggs. Their nests are neatly constructed using mosses and lined with soft feathers.
  5. Gnatcatchers: These energetic birds often build cup-shaped nests in shrubs or trees. They lay tiny blue eggs that perfectly match the size of their bodies.
  6. Wrens: Although wren eggs can vary in color, many species lay small pale blue or speckled blue eggs. Their nests are typically hidden in nooks or crevices.

Birds with Small Blue Eggs

Some avian species lay small blue eggs:

  1. Blue Jay
  2. Gray Catbird
  3. House Finch
  4. Red – winged Blackbird
  5. Blue Grosbeak
  6. Northern Mockingbird

Birds that Lay Blue-Green Eggs

Some bird species lay eggs that have a blue-green color. Here are some birds that lay blue-green eggs:

  1. Brown – headed Cowbird
  2. American Dipper
  3. Indigo Bunting
  4. Painted Bunting
  5. Eastern Meadowlark
  6. Ovenbird
  7. Common Yellowthroat

Birds with Bright Blue Eggs

Some avian species lay eggs that are a vibrant shade of blue. These birds include:

  1. Blue Jay
  2. Eastern Bluebird
  3. Mountain Bluebird
  4. Varied Thrush
  5. Blue Grosbeak

Birds with Pale Blue Eggs

Some avian species lay pale blue eggs. These eggs are different from the brighter or darker shades of blue eggs that other birds lay. Here are some bird species that lay these pale blue eggs:

  • American Robin
  • European Robin
  • Blue – gray Gnatcatcher
  • Gray Siskin
  • Tree Swallow

Birds that Lay Blue Eggs on the Ground

Some bird species lay their blue eggs on the ground. Here are some examples:

  • Killdeer: These birds build their nests on the ground, usually in open areas. Their eggs are creamy white with dark blotches.
  • American Oystercatcher: They also nest on the ground in coastal areas. Their eggs are pale gray or buff with dark speckles.
  • Piping Plover: These birds make their nests on sandy beaches. Their eggs are light tan or buff with darker spots and streaks.
  • Snowy Plover: Similar to the Piping Plover, these birds nest on sandy beaches and their eggs are pale grayish-white with speckles.
  • California Quail: Quails prefer to nest on the ground under bushes or other cover. Their eggs are bluish-green with brown spots.

Reasons for Birds Laying Blue Eggs

Birds lay blue eggs for various reasons, including biological factors, evolutionary advantages, and the need for camouflage and protection.

Biological factors

Birds that lay blue eggs do so due to biological factors. These factors are related to the bird’s genetic makeup and reproductive system. The pigments present in the eggshell glands of these birds contribute to the blue coloration of their eggs.

Different bird species have varying levels of these pigments, resulting in different shades of blue eggs. Additionally, certain species also possess specialized structures within their reproductive systems that help them produce eggs with unique colors.

These biological factors play a crucial role in determining why some birds lay blue eggs while others lay eggs of different colors.

Evolutionary advantages

Birds that lay blue eggs have evolutionary advantages over other species. The color blue helps these birds with camouflage and protection. Blue eggs blend in well with the environment, making it difficult for predators to find them.

This increases the chances of the eggs surviving and hatching into healthy chicks. Additionally, some studies suggest that blue eggshells may provide better thermoregulation, helping to regulate the temperature inside the egg.

These evolutionary adaptations have helped these avian species thrive and reproduce successfully throughout their long history.

Camouflage and protection

Birds that lay blue eggs have evolved this trait as a form of camouflage and protection for their offspring. The blue color helps the eggs blend in with their surroundings, such as the sky or foliage, making them harder for predators to spot.

This adaptation increases the chances of survival for these bird species, allowing them to successfully hatch and raise their young. It’s fascinating how nature has found creative ways to ensure the safety of avian eggs!

Other Colors of Bird Eggs

Bird eggs come in a wide range of colors, each serving its own purpose for the bird species that lay them.

Range of eggshell colors

Bird eggs come in a variety of colors. Here are some examples:

  • Blue: Blue jays, American robins, starlings, red-winged blackbirds, and blue-footed boobies lay blue eggs.
  • White: Chicken breeds like Ameraucana, Easter eggers, and Araucanas can lay white eggs.
  • Brown: Many bird species, including sparrows and pigeons, lay brown eggs.
  • Speckled: Birds like eastern phoebes and northern flickers lay eggs with brown spots.
  • Green: Some birds, such as the green kingfisher and eclectus parrot, lay greenish-colored eggs.

Significance of different colors

Different bird species lay eggs in a variety of colors, each with its own significance. Eggshell color can play a role in maintaining the temperature inside the egg and protecting it from harmful UV rays.

For example, darker-colored eggs absorb more heat from sunlight, which is beneficial for birds that nest in cooler environments. On the other hand, lighter-colored eggs reflect heat and help prevent overheating in hotter regions.

Egg color also plays a role in camouflage and protection against predators. Birds that build nests on open branches or ledges tend to lay eggs that match their surroundings to blend in better and avoid attracting attention.

This provides an advantage as they are less likely to be targeted by predators searching for food.

Furthermore, egg coloration can be influenced by evolutionary factors and individual bird species characteristics. Some birds have specific markings or patterns on their eggs, which aid parents in identifying their own offspring among others during feeding or incubation periods.

How colors protect eggs from the sun

Birds lay eggs in a variety of colors, including blue. One reason for this is that different colors can help protect the eggs from the sun’s harmful rays. The color pigments in the eggshells can act as a sunscreen, shielding the developing embryos inside from excessive heat and ultraviolet radiation.

This is particularly important because eggs are often laid in exposed places like nests or on open ground. By having colored eggshells, birds can give their offspring an extra layer of protection against sun damage during the incubation period.


In conclusion, blue eggs are a fascinating rarity in the bird world. Many different avian species, including blue jays, American robins, and starlings, lay these unique eggs. The coloration of birds’ eggs can provide valuable insights into their nesting habits and reproductive behavior.

Whether it’s the vibrant sky-blue eggs of the Eastern bluebird or the pale blue eggs of the American robin, each bird species has its own special characteristics when it comes to laying these beautiful blue treasures.


1. What kind of bird lays blue eggs?

Birds like Gray Catbirds, Warblers, and Baybreasted lay sky blue or bluegreen eggs.

2. How can I tell which bird laid the egg by looking at it?

The color and markings on the egg help in bird identification. Blue egglaying birds often have bluecolored or spotless eggs.

3. Do all birds that lay colored eggs come from North America?

No! While many North American birds do lay colored eggs, this egglaying behavior is found in avian species worldwide.

4. When does a bird’s breeding season occur?

Bird nesting habits vary with each species but most birds breed during warm months to ensure an abundant food supply for their young ones.

5. Is there a guide to understand more about these birds’ reproductive habits?

Yes! A comprehensive guide to avian species provides details on egg coloration in birds, their reproductive habits and much more information about types of birds that lay colored eggs.

Owen Featherstone

I’m Owen Featherstone, your bird-watching buddy and enthusiast of all things feathered! Armed with binoculars and a notebook, I’m on a never-ending quest to uncover the mysteries of our avian friends. Whether it’s deciphering melodies in a dawn chorus or finding out if hummingbirds ever take coffee breaks, I’m here to share the delightful world of birds with you. So grab your virtual wings, and let’s explore the skies together!

What Kind of Bird Lays Blue Eggs? A Comprehensive Guide to Avian Species - Avian Adventures: Birding Tips, Guides & More (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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