Heart Attack EKG: Can an EKG Detect a Previous Heart Attack? (2024)

An EKG detects disruptions to the flow of electrical energy throughout the heart. It may detect previous heart attacks but is best when used in combination with other tests.

An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a test that measures the electrical activity of your heart. Abnormal patterns of activity suggest that part of your heart may have been damaged from a heart attack or some other heart condition.

It’s estimated that in the United States, one person has a heart attack every 40 seconds. Heart attacks typically cause symptoms such as chest pain, trouble breathing, and dizziness. It’s also possible to have a silent heart attack and experience no symptoms at all.

In this article, we’ll examine how accurate EKGs are for diagnosing a previous heart attack, if they can predict future heart attacks, and other tests to assess your heart’s health.

An EKG is a safe, fast, noninvasive way of checking your heart’s electrical activity.

Your heartbeat is controlled by an electrical system that controls when your heart’s upper chambers (atria) contract and then when your heart’s lower chambers (ventricles) beat. Normally, this happens in a synchronized pattern and at a predictable speed.

Changes in how your heart beats can be an indication of cardiac problems, such as a heart attack or arrhythmia.

According to the American Heart Association, an EKG provides two important pieces of information about your heart health:

  • It measures the time it takes for an electrical wave to move from the heart’s atria to the ventricles, which reveals whether the electrical activity is too fast or slow, or whether it’s chaotic.
  • It also measures the amount of electrical activity moving through your heart, which can help your doctor determine if your heart is working too hard.

An EKG involves the placement of small electrodes on your chest and limbs. The electrodes are removable stickers attached by wires to the EKG machine, which records electrical signals from your heart and displays them on a monitor.

Printouts show the electrical pattern of your heart. This is done so that there’s a hard copy record of how your heart was behaving at that moment. This is important because some changes to your heart’s electrical activity are temporary. That’s why it’s helpful to have evidence of changes from your heart’s usual electrical patterns.

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An EKG is one of several tests that can help diagnose a heart attack. It’s usually one of the first screenings performed when someone goes to the hospital with heart attack symptoms.

Because damaged heart tissue tends to disrupt the regular flow of electrical energy throughout the heart, an EKG can instantly detect if there is a problem.

In addition to indicating the possibility of some heart muscle damage, an abnormal EKG reading may also be the result of reduced blood flow through the coronary arteries. This is often the trigger for most heart attacks.

An EKG may also diagnose an abnormal heart rhythm, called an arrhythmia.

In addition to an EKG, a blood test is also done if a heart attack is suspected. Damaged heart tissue usually releases certain proteins called troponins. Unusually high levels of troponin T and troponin I are often a sign of a heart attack.

An EKG can potentially detect that you had a heart attack years ago without knowing it. Abnormal electrical patterns during the test suggest that part of your heart may have been damaged from lack of oxygen.

Not all heart attacks produce noticeable symptoms. If you’ve had a silent heart attack, you may not know it occurred until you have an imaging test like an EKG, MRI, CT scan, or ultrasound.

An EKG is one tool that doctors use to find evidence of previous heart attacks, but it’s best used when combined with other diagnostic techniques like blood tests and imaging. It’s relatively common for EKG results to give a false positive.

One study measured the accuracy of an EKG for diagnosing a previous heart attack compared to a cardiac MRI. The researchers found that EKGs had:

  • Poor sensitivity. The EKG only correctly identified a previous heart attack 48.4 percent of the time when compared with an MRI.
  • Good specificity. The EKG correctly identified that no previous heart attack had occurred 83.5 percent of the time when compared with MRI.
  • Positive predictive accuracy. People with EKG results that suggested they had a heart attack had a 72 percent chance of actually having had a heart attack.
  • Negative predictive accuracy. People with EKG results that suggested they didn’t have a heart attack had a 64.2 percent probability of not actually having had a heart attack.

The poor sensitivity and the modest negative predictive accuracy of the EKG findings suggest that EKG alone may not be the best way to diagnose a previous heart attack.

An EKG can potentially predict future risk of heart attack by uncovering abnormalities in the electrical activity of your heart.

A 2019 study found that EKG-based risk scores for cardiovascular disease are as good as — or sometimes better than — risk scores based on a patient’s history.

In another 2019 study, researchers found that people with atherosclerotic disease or multiple risk factors for heart attack often had abnormal EKG readings.

Using EKG results alone isn’t an effective predictor of a future heart attack in those at low risk. It’s possible to have a heart attack despite a normal EKG reading.

A limitation of EKG is that it cannot show an asymptomatic blockage in your arteries that may put you at risk of a future heart attack. EKGs are best used as a predictor of a future heart attack in combination with other tests.

Researchers have found evidence that the combined results from five different tests may improve the ability to predict the risk of developing heart disease compared to evaluating blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and smoking history.

The five tests are:

  • standard 12-lead EKG to provide information about thickening of the heart muscle
  • coronary calcium scan to identify plaque buildup in the arteries of the heart
  • C-reactive protein blood test to measure inflammation
  • NT-proBNP blood test to measure stress on the heart
  • troponin T blood test to measure damage to the heart

A number of other tests may also be used to help detect a previous heart attack. These include:

  • A Holter monitor. A Holter monitor is a type of EKG that measures the electrical activity of your heart over a period of 24 hours or longer as you go about your daily activities. Electrodes attached to your chest send information about the electrical activity of your heart to a small, battery-powered device.
  • Blood tests. A blood test can look for certain markers that indicate you’ve had a heart attack. One substance commonly used as a marker of a heart attack is troponin. Levels of this protein remain elevated in the blood for up to 2 weeks after a heart attack.
  • Coronary CT angiogram. A coronary CT angiogram uses X-rays to produce an image of the arteries that bring blood to your heart. A special dye is injected into your bloodstream that allows a doctor to view the dye as it flows through your arteries.
  • Cardiac catheterization. During a cardiac catheterization, a long tube called a catheter is inserted through a puncture in your skin and inserted into an artery leading to your heart. A contrast dye is injected into your bloodstream so that the doctor can examine your heart.
  • Echocardiogram. An echocardiogram uses ultrasound waves to show a live image of your heart. The image can tell a doctor if one part of your heart isn’t pumping blood as well as it should.
  • MRI. A cardiac MRI uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce a 3-D image of your heart. An MRI allows the doctor to identify a lack of blood flow to a certain area, or to see if part of your heart is damaged.

A silent heart attack is a heart attack that has few or no symptoms. If you’ve had a silent heart attack, you may have an elevated risk of developing another heart attack or heart failure. You may also have an elevated risk of mortality because the lack of symptoms often delays medical treatment.

When symptoms are present, they’re often so mild that they don’t seem particularly concerning. Fatigue, mild chest pain that feels like indigestion, and flu-like symptoms are all possible signs.

Silent heart attacks are caused by a lack of blood flow to your heart like traditional heart attacks. Improving your overall cardiovascular health and regularly getting checkups can help minimize your risk.

When to seek emergency care

If you think you may have had a heart attack, seek emergency care right away. Getting immediate treatment can help minimize the damage to your heart.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, seek emergency attention:

  • chest pain or discomfort in the center or left side of your chest that lasts more than a few minutes
  • pain in your jaw, back, or neck
  • pain in one or both arms or shoulders
  • shortness of breath
  • lightheadedness
  • feeling weak or faint

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An EKG can help identify a previous heart attack by screening for abnormalities in the electrical activity of your heart. EKG results are often best used in combination with blood tests and imaging techniques to reduce the chances of a false positive.

It’s still not clear how effective EKGs are at identifying your future heart attack risk. Research suggests that they may be best used in combination with blood tests and a calcium coronary scan for this purpose.

If you think you may have had a heart attack, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately. The sooner you get proper treatment, the better your outlook.

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Heart Attack EKG: Can an EKG Detect a Previous Heart Attack? (2024)


Heart Attack EKG: Can an EKG Detect a Previous Heart Attack? ›

An EKG can tell you if you've had a heart attack in the past. While heart attacks often cause significant symptoms that prompt patients to seek immediate medical attention, in 45% of cases, symptoms are so mild that patients don't realize there's anything wrong with their hearts.

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An ECG can detect irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). An arrhythmia may occur when any part of the heart's electrical system doesn't work properly. Heart attack. An ECG can show evidence of a previous heart attack or one that's currently happening.

What test shows if you had a previous heart attack? ›

If your doctor thinks you may have had one, they may order imaging tests. These could include an echocardiogram or echo, which is a special ultrasound, or a CT scan or MRI of your heart. These tests can show if your heart muscle has been damaged, signaling that you've had a heart attack.

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How long after a heart attack can doctors use the test? Doctors can test for troponin immediately when an individual presents with symptoms. Troponin levels rise as early as 4 hours after a heart attack and peak between 24 and 48 hours. Increased levels can persist for 7 days or longer, depending on kidney function.

Can an EKG detect a silent heart attack? ›

Imaging tests, such as an electrocardiogram or echocardiogram, are the only way to identify a silent heart attack. If you think that you've had a silent heart attack, talk to your health care provider. A review of your symptoms and health history and a physical exam can help your provider decide if you need more tests.

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Heart attack patients will feel a wide range of emotions, typically for about two to six months after the event. Depression is quite normal, along with fear and anger. For example, every time you feel a little pain, you may feel afraid it's going to happen again — afraid you're going to die.

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If you have a heart attack, your troponin level will stay elevated for about a week. That means that if you have been having chest pain for a few days and go to the hospital, your doctor will be able to use the troponin test to determine if you've had a heart attack, even if it occurred several days prior, says Dr.

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High-sensitivity C-reactive protein

High-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) tests help determine the risk of heart disease before symptoms are present. Higher hs-CRP levels are associated with a higher risk of heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular disease.

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Chest Pain, Pressure, Fullness, or Discomfort

You may also feel pressure, squeezing, or fullness. These symptoms usually start slowly, and they may go away and come back. This can be complicated because these symptoms may be related to something less serious, such as heartburn. You know your body best, though.

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You'll usually stay in hospital for about two to five days after having a heart attack. This depends on what treatment you've had and how well you're recovering. If you've had coronary angioplasty or stents, it's likely you'll stay in hospital for two or three days.

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Here's a surprising fact: nearly half of people who have a heart attack don't realize it at the time. These so-called silent heart attacks are only diagnosed after the event, when a recording of the heart's electrical activity (an electrocardiogram or ECG) or another test reveals evidence of damage to the heart.

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Other causes of chest pain

Lung issues, including infection (pneumonia) or a blood clot (pulmonary embolism) Muscle pain, such as inflammation or injury to the muscles in the chest wall. Other digestive issues, such as inflammation or spasms in the pancreas, gallbladder or esophagus. Panic attack, or very intense ...

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A silent heart attack, also called a silent Ischemia, is a heart attack that has either no symptoms, minimal symptoms or unrecognized symptoms. A heart attack is not always as obvious as pain in your chest, shortness of breath and cold sweats.

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Sometimes these disorders can cause symptoms that mirror cardiovascular concerns, from increased heart rate (or a perception of one) to shortness of breath and chest pain, notes the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Additionally, some manifestations of anxiety disorders can lead to abnormal ECG readings.

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If you're having a heart attack, abnormal EKG results show an “ST elevation” in which the ST segment (the segment between the S and T waves) is elevated above the baseline.

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Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)

An NSTEMI is another type of heart attack where there is some loss of blood supply, causing damage. It's diagnosed when an ECG does not show the type of changes seen in a STEMI, but blood tests show that the heart is damaged. An NSTEMI is a medical emergency.

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The symptoms of MI include chest pain, which travels from left arm to neck, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, vomiting, abnormal heart beating, anxiety, fatigue, weakness, stress, depression, and other factors.

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Old MI has small T-waves. Acute MI has large (tall, wide) T-waves. And so I derived and validated a rule to differentiate Acute OMI with STE from Old MI with persistent STE. If any of leads V1-V4 has a T/QRS ratio > 0.36, then it is acute.

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Definition. An electrocardiographic finding of pathologic Q waves, which is suggestive of myocardial infarction of one or more regions of the heart, without evidence of current or ongoing acute infarction.

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Sometimes these disorders can cause symptoms that mirror cardiovascular concerns, from increased heart rate (or a perception of one) to shortness of breath and chest pain, notes the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Additionally, some manifestations of anxiety disorders can lead to abnormal ECG readings.

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